Here is a list of all documented variables with links to the struct/union documentation for each field:
- t -
- table_col_ops : gp_widget_json_addr
- tail : gp_dlist, gp_list
- task_cnt : gp_task_queue
- task_queue : gp_backend
- tattr : gp_widget_table_cell, gp_widget_table_header
- text : gp_widget_table_cell
- text_color : gp_widget_render_ctx
- threads : gp_progress_cb
- time : gp_event
- timers : gp_backend
- tmr : gp_event
- type : gp_elf_note_hdr, gp_event, gp_json_obj_attr, gp_json_struct, gp_json_val, gp_pixel_type_desc, gp_proxy_cli_init, gp_proxy_cursor, gp_proxy_event, gp_proxy_map, gp_proxy_pixmap, gp_proxy_rect, gp_widget, gp_widget_event
- type_size : gp_json_struct