![]() |
2D bitmap graphics library with emphasis on speed and correctness
Cgp_app_info | An application information |
Cgp_app_info_author | Description of the app author |
Cgp_avl_node | AVL tree node |
Cgp_backend | A backend |
Cgp_backend_display_model | A display model description. |
Cgp_backend_input | |
Cgp_balloc_pool | A block allocator block header |
Cgp_bbox | A bounding box |
Cgp_cbuffer | A circular buffer indexes |
Cgp_cbuffer_iter | An interator for loops over the circular buffer |
Cgp_correction_desc | A correction description |
Cgp_debug_msg | Custom debug message handler structure |
Cgp_dialog | A dialog |
Cgp_dialog_file_opts | A file dialog options |
Cgp_dir_cache | A directory cache |
Cgp_dir_entry | A dir cache entry, represents a file or a directory |
Cgp_dlist | A double linked list pointers |
Cgp_dlist_head | A double linked list header |
Cgp_elf_note_hdr | ELF note header as defined in ELF ABI |
Cgp_ev_pos_abs | An absolute cursor position |
Cgp_ev_pos_rel | A relative cursor position change |
Cgp_ev_queue | An event queue |
Cgp_ev_sys | An system event value |
Cgp_ev_utf | An unicode event value |
Cgp_event | An input event |
Cgp_events_state | An input events state |
Cgp_fd | An epoll file descriptor |
Cgp_font_face | A font face |
Cgp_font_face_ops | Font loader callback |
Cgp_font_family | A font family |
Cgp_fonts_iter | Font family iterator |
Cgp_gamma | A correction tables for all pixel channels |
Cgp_gamma_table | A lookup gamma table |
Cgp_glyph | A data describing single Glyph |
Cgp_glyphs | An unicode glyphs block |
Cgp_grabber | A grabber |
Cgp_htable | A hash table |
Cgp_htable_rec | A hash table record |
Cgp_json_float_limits | Serializer and deserializer floating point limits |
Cgp_json_int_limits | Serializer and deserializer integer limits |
Cgp_json_obj | A JSON object description |
Cgp_json_obj_attr | A JSON object attribute description i.e. key and type |
Cgp_json_reader | A JSON parser internal state |
Cgp_json_reader_state | A JSON parser state |
Cgp_json_struct | Describe a single structure member for serializer and deserialzer |
Cgp_json_val | A parsed JSON key value pair |
Cgp_json_writer | A JSON writer |
Cgp_list | A linked list pointers |
Cgp_list_head | A linked list header |
Cgp_markup | A text markup |
Cgp_markup_builder | A markup builder |
Cgp_markup_glyph | A markup glyph |
Cgp_markup_line | A markup line |
Cgp_markup_lines | A markup lines |
Cgp_pixel_channel | Description of one pixel channel |
Cgp_pixel_type_desc | A description of a gp_pixel_type Assumes name with at most 15 chars |
Cgp_pixmap | A pixmap buffer |
Cgp_poll | An epoll instance |
Cgp_progress_cb | Progress callback |
Cgp_proxy_buf | A proxy message buffer |
Cgp_proxy_cli | A proxy client (application) |
Cgp_proxy_cli_init | An initial infromation send to a client (application) |
Cgp_proxy_cli_init_ | An initial infromation send to a client (application) |
Cgp_proxy_coord | A coordinate |
Cgp_proxy_cursor | A proxy cursor position |
Cgp_proxy_event | A proxy input event message |
Cgp_proxy_map | A mmap() request |
Cgp_proxy_msg | A proxy message |
Cgp_proxy_path | A SHM path and size for a mmap() |
Cgp_proxy_pixmap | A pixmap request |
Cgp_proxy_rect | A rectangle update request |
Cgp_proxy_rect_ | A rectangle |
Cgp_proxy_shm | A SHM pixmap |
Cgp_task | A task |
Cgp_task_queue | A task queue |
Cgp_temp_alloc | Temporary buffer |
Cgp_text_style | A text style |
Cgp_timer | A timer |
Cgp_trie_node | Trie node stores pointers |
Cgp_utf8_pos | Position in an UTF-8 string |
Cgp_vec | A growable vector |
Cgp_widget | A widget base |
Cgp_widget_choice_arr | |
Cgp_widget_choice_desc | |
Cgp_widget_choice_ops | A choice widget ops |
Cgp_widget_event | Event structure passed to widget event handler |
Cgp_widget_graph_point | A graph point |
Cgp_widget_grid_gap | Describes a row or a column border or a gap between cells |
Cgp_widget_json_addr | A structure to pass widget callbacks |
Cgp_widget_json_callbacks | Structure to pass callbacks to the JSON loader |
Cgp_widget_json_ctx | A context to propagate values top down and bottom up |
Cgp_widget_ops | Callbacks that implements a widget |
Cgp_widget_render_ctx | Global widget (rendering) context |
Cgp_widget_size | A compound size |
Cgp_widget_table_cell | A table cell content |
Cgp_widget_table_col_desc | A table column description |
Cgp_widget_table_col_ops | Table operations, defined by the application |
Cgp_widget_table_col_size | Cached column size and minimal size, used internally by the widget |
Cgp_widget_table_header | A table column header |
Cgp_widget_table_priv | A structure to store data for the users of this widget |