2D bitmap graphics library with emphasis on speed and correctness
No Matches
Data Structures
Here are the data structures with brief descriptions:
 Cgp_app_infoAn application information
 Cgp_app_info_authorDescription of the app author
 Cgp_avl_nodeAVL tree node
 Cgp_backendA backend
 Cgp_backend_display_modelA display model description.
 Cgp_balloc_poolA block allocator block header
 Cgp_bboxA bounding box
 Cgp_cbufferA circular buffer indexes
 Cgp_cbuffer_iterAn interator for loops over the circular buffer
 Cgp_correction_descA correction description
 Cgp_debug_msgCustom debug message handler structure
 Cgp_dialogA dialog
 Cgp_dialog_file_optsA file dialog options
 Cgp_dir_cacheA directory cache
 Cgp_dir_entryA dir cache entry, represents a file or a directory
 Cgp_dlistA double linked list pointers
 Cgp_dlist_headA double linked list header
 Cgp_elf_note_hdrELF note header as defined in ELF ABI
 Cgp_ev_pos_absAn absolute cursor position
 Cgp_ev_pos_relA relative cursor position change
 Cgp_ev_queueAn event queue
 Cgp_ev_sysAn system event value
 Cgp_ev_utfAn unicode event value
 Cgp_eventAn input event
 Cgp_events_stateAn input events state
 Cgp_fdAn epoll file descriptor
 Cgp_font_faceA font face
 Cgp_font_face_opsFont loader callback
 Cgp_font_familyA font family
 Cgp_fonts_iterFont family iterator
 Cgp_gammaA correction tables for all pixel channels
 Cgp_gamma_tableA lookup gamma table
 Cgp_glyphA data describing single Glyph
 Cgp_glyphsAn unicode glyphs block
 Cgp_grabberA grabber
 Cgp_htableA hash table
 Cgp_htable_recA hash table record
 Cgp_json_float_limitsSerializer and deserializer floating point limits
 Cgp_json_int_limitsSerializer and deserializer integer limits
 Cgp_json_objA JSON object description
 Cgp_json_obj_attrA JSON object attribute description i.e. key and type
 Cgp_json_readerA JSON parser internal state
 Cgp_json_reader_stateA JSON parser state
 Cgp_json_structDescribe a single structure member for serializer and deserialzer
 Cgp_json_valA parsed JSON key value pair
 Cgp_json_writerA JSON writer
 Cgp_listA linked list pointers
 Cgp_list_headA linked list header
 Cgp_markupA text markup
 Cgp_markup_builderA markup builder
 Cgp_markup_glyphA markup glyph
 Cgp_markup_lineA markup line
 Cgp_markup_linesA markup lines
 Cgp_pixel_channelDescription of one pixel channel
 Cgp_pixel_type_descA description of a gp_pixel_type Assumes name with at most 15 chars
 Cgp_pixmapA pixmap buffer
 Cgp_pollAn epoll instance
 Cgp_progress_cbProgress callback
 Cgp_proxy_bufA proxy message buffer
 Cgp_proxy_cliA proxy client (application)
 Cgp_proxy_cli_initAn initial infromation send to a client (application)
 Cgp_proxy_cli_init_An initial infromation send to a client (application)
 Cgp_proxy_coordA coordinate
 Cgp_proxy_cursorA proxy cursor position
 Cgp_proxy_eventA proxy input event message
 Cgp_proxy_mapA mmap() request
 Cgp_proxy_msgA proxy message
 Cgp_proxy_pathA SHM path and size for a mmap()
 Cgp_proxy_pixmapA pixmap request
 Cgp_proxy_rectA rectangle update request
 Cgp_proxy_rect_A rectangle
 Cgp_proxy_shmA SHM pixmap
 Cgp_taskA task
 Cgp_task_queueA task queue
 Cgp_temp_allocTemporary buffer
 Cgp_text_styleA text style
 Cgp_timerA timer
 Cgp_trie_nodeTrie node stores pointers
 Cgp_utf8_posPosition in an UTF-8 string
 Cgp_vecA growable vector
 Cgp_widgetA widget base
 Cgp_widget_choice_opsA choice widget ops
 Cgp_widget_eventEvent structure passed to widget event handler
 Cgp_widget_graph_pointA graph point
 Cgp_widget_grid_gapDescribes a row or a column border or a gap between cells
 Cgp_widget_json_addrA structure to pass widget callbacks
 Cgp_widget_json_callbacksStructure to pass callbacks to the JSON loader
 Cgp_widget_json_ctxA context to propagate values top down and bottom up
 Cgp_widget_opsCallbacks that implements a widget
 Cgp_widget_render_ctxGlobal widget (rendering) context
 Cgp_widget_sizeA compound size
 Cgp_widget_table_cellA table cell content
 Cgp_widget_table_col_descA table column description
 Cgp_widget_table_col_opsTable operations, defined by the application
 Cgp_widget_table_col_sizeCached column size and minimal size, used internally by the widget
 Cgp_widget_table_headerA table column header
 Cgp_widget_table_privA structure to store data for the users of this widget