37#include <backends/gp_types.h>
221 int (*clipboard)(
gp_backend *self, gp_clipboard *op);
256 void *clipboard_data;
267#define GP_BACKEND_PRIV(backend) ((void*)(backend)->priv)
int gp_coord
Integer type for coordinates i.e. x, y, ...
unsigned int gp_size
Integer type for sizes i.e. w, h, ...
int gp_backend_timer_timeout(gp_backend *self)
Returns time to the closest timer timeout.
static void gp_backend_ev_put_back(gp_backend *self, gp_event *ev)
Puts back an event that has been just removed from the queue.
void gp_backend_timer_add(gp_backend *self, gp_timer *timer)
Adds a timer to backend.
static void gp_backend_flip(gp_backend *self)
Copies whole backend pixmap to a display.
int gp_backend_resize_ack(gp_backend *self)
Resize acknowledge.
Fullscreen request type.
Query fullscreen state.
Request fullscreen to be turned off.
Request fullscreen to be turned on.
Toggle fullscreen state.
Cursor types.
Shows cursor.
Text edit cursor.
Hides cursor.
Last cursor + 1.
Used typicaly while howering over links.
Arrow default cursor type.
static void gp_backend_update_rect(gp_backend *self, gp_coord x0, gp_coord y0, gp_coord x1, gp_coord y1)
Copies a rectangle from backend pixmap to a display.
static void gp_backend_update_rect_xywh(gp_backend *self, gp_coord x, gp_coord y, gp_size w, gp_size h)
Copies a rectangle from backend pixmap to a display.
void gp_backend_update_rect_xyxy(gp_backend *self, gp_coord x0, gp_coord y0, gp_coord x1, gp_coord y1)
Copies a rectangle from backend pixmap to a display.
void gp_backend_timer_rem(gp_backend *self, gp_timer *timer)
Removes timer from backend timer queue.
void gp_backend_poll(gp_backend *self)
Polls a backend for events.
void gp_backend_exit(gp_backend *self)
Exits the backend.
A return value from the backend set_attr callback.
Unsupported attribute.
Atrribute set succesfully.
Connection error.
Attribute is enabled.
Invalid value.
Attribute is disabled.
int gp_backend_resize(gp_backend *backend, uint32_t w, uint32_t h)
Request backend resize.
static gp_event * gp_backend_ev_peek(gp_backend *self)
Returns a pointer to a first event in the queue.
void gp_backend_task_queue_set(gp_backend *self, gp_task_queue *task_queue)
Sets the backend task_queue and starts task processing.
void gp_backend_wait(gp_backend *self)
Waits for a backend events.
gp_event * gp_backend_ev_wait(gp_backend *self)
Returns an event from the queue, wait the backend for events if the queue is empty.
static enum gp_backend_ret gp_backend_cursor_set(gp_backend *self, enum gp_backend_cursor_req cursor)
Sets backend cursor type.
void gp_backend_task_ins(gp_backend *self, gp_task *task)
Inserts a task into the task queue.
static void gp_backend_ev_flush(gp_backend *self)
Removes all events from the event queue.
void gp_backend_task_rem(gp_backend *self, gp_task *task)
Removes a task from the task queue.
static enum gp_backend_ret gp_backend_set_caption(gp_backend *backend, const char *caption)
Sets backend caption, if supported.
static unsigned int gp_backend_timers_queued(gp_backend *self)
Returns number of timers scheduled in backend.
static enum gp_backend_ret gp_backend_fullscreen(gp_backend *backend, enum gp_backend_fullscreen_req req)
Reuqests to change fullscreen mode.
static void gp_backend_poll_add(gp_backend *self, gp_fd *fd)
Add a file descriptor to the backend poll loop.
Backend attributes.
Window change request.
Window title change request.
Cursor modifications.
Fullscreen mode change request.
gp_event * gp_backend_ev_poll(gp_backend *self)
Returns an event from the queue, polls the backend for events if the queue is empty.
static void gp_backend_poll_rem(gp_backend *self, gp_fd *fd)
Removes a file descriptor to the backend poll loop.
static unsigned int gp_backend_ev_queued(gp_backend *self)
Returns a number of events in the backend event queue.
static gp_fd * gp_backend_poll_rem_by_fd(gp_backend *self, int fd)
Removes a file descriptor to the backend poll loop.
static gp_event * gp_backend_ev_get(gp_backend *self)
Removes and returns a pointer to a first event in the queue.
void gp_ev_queue_put_back(gp_ev_queue *self, gp_event *ev)
Pushes back an event to the event queue.
gp_event * gp_ev_queue_peek(gp_ev_queue *self)
Peeks at a top event from the queue.
gp_event * gp_ev_queue_get(gp_ev_queue *self)
Remoes and returns pointer to a top event from the queue.
unsigned int gp_ev_queue_events(gp_ev_queue *self)
Returns number of events queued in the queue.
void gp_ev_queue_flush(gp_ev_queue *self)
Removes all events from the queue.
A linked list implementation.
int gp_poll_add(gp_poll *self, gp_fd *fd)
Adds a file descriptor.
gp_fd * gp_poll_rem_by_fd(gp_poll *self, int fd)
Looks up and removes a gp_fd by a fd.
int gp_poll_rem(gp_poll *self, gp_fd *fd)
Removes a file descriptor.
Timers and timer queue implementation.
static unsigned int gp_timer_queue_size(gp_timer *queue)
Returns size of the queue, i.e. number of timers.
gp_poll fds
File descriptors to poll for.
void(* poll)(gp_backend *self)
Non-blocking event loop.
const char * name
Backend name, e.g. "X11".
gp_timer * timers
Priority queue for timers.
gp_task_queue * task_queue
Task queue.
gp_dlist input_drivers
List of input drivers feeding the ev_queue.
void(* exit)(gp_backend *self)
Exits the backend.
void(* update_rect)(gp_backend *self, gp_coord x0, gp_coord y0, gp_coord x1, gp_coord y1)
Updates display rectangle.
void(* flip)(gp_backend *self)
Updates display.
gp_pixmap * pixmap
Pointer to pixmap app should draw to.
unsigned int dpi
A backend DPI if unknown it's set to 0.
void(* wait)(gp_backend *self)
Blocking event loop. Blocks until events are ready.
enum gp_backend_ret(* set_attr)(gp_backend *self, enum gp_backend_attr attr, const void *vals)
Attribute change callback.
A double linked list pointers.
An epoll file descriptor.