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Widgets login window

This is a simple example widget application that renders a login like dialog. The layout is loaded from a JSON file and there are two different example layouts that can be loaded and will change the application look without any changes to the C source code.

//SPDX-License-Identifier: LGPL-2.0-or-later


   Copyright (c) 2014-2023 Cyril Hrubis <>


#include <widgets/gp_widgets.h>

static gp_htable *uids;

int login_callback(gp_widget_event *ev)
        if (ev->type != GP_WIDGET_EVENT_WIDGET)
                return 0;

        gp_widget *pass = gp_widget_by_uid(uids, "pass", GP_WIDGET_TBOX);
        gp_widget *uname = gp_widget_by_uid(uids, "uname", GP_WIDGET_TBOX);

        if (uname)
                printf("Username: '%s'\n", uname->tbox->buf);

        if (pass)
                printf("Password: '%s'\n", pass->tbox->buf);

        return 0;

int cancel_callback(gp_widget_event *ev)
        if (ev->type != GP_WIDGET_EVENT_WIDGET)
                return 0;


int show_password(gp_widget_event *ev)
        gp_widget *pass = gp_widget_by_uid(uids, "pass", GP_WIDGET_TBOX);

        if (ev->self->b->val)
                gp_widget_tbox_type_set(pass, GP_WIDGET_TBOX_NONE);
                gp_widget_tbox_type_set(pass, GP_WIDGET_TBOX_HIDDEN);


        return 0;

gp_app_info app_info = {
        .name = "Login!",
        .desc = "Login example",
        .version = "1.0",
        .license = "GPL-2.0-or-later",
        .url = "",
        .authors = (gp_app_info_author []) {
                {.name = "Cyril Hrubis", .email = "", .years = "2014-2023"},

int main(int argc, char *argv[])
        const char *layout_path = "login_example_1.json";

        gp_widgets_getopt(&argc, &argv);

        if (argv[0])
                layout_path = "login_example_2.json";

        gp_widget *layout = gp_widget_layout_json(layout_path, NULL, &uids);
        if (!layout)
                return 0;

        gp_widgets_main_loop(layout, NULL, 0, NULL);

        return 0;
 "info": {"version": 1, "license": "GPL-2.0-or-later"},
 "layout": {
  "rows": 3,
  "border": 2,
  "widgets": [
   {"type": "label", "tattr": "bold", "text": "Enter your login information."},
    "cols": 2,
    "rows": 3,
    "border": "vert",
    "widgets": [
     {"type": "label", "text": "Username:", "halign": "right"},
     {"type": "label", "text": "Password:", "halign": "right"},
      "type": "tbox",
      "len": 18,
      "uid": "uname",
      "on_event": "login_callback"
      "type": "tbox",
      "len": 18,
      "ttype": "hidden",
      "uid": "pass",
      "on_event": "login_callback"
      "type": "checkbox",
      "label": "Show password",
      "halign": "left",
      "on_event": "show_password"
    "cols": 2,
    "border": "none",
    "halign": "right",
    "widgets": [
     {"type": "button", "label": "Ok", "on_event": "login_callback"},
     {"type": "button", "label": "Cancel", "on_event": "cancel_callback"}
Login example 1
 "info": {"version": 1, "license": "GPL-2.0-or-later"},
 "layout": {
  "rows": 3,
  "widgets": [
   {"type": "label", "tattr": "bold", "text": "Please log in."},
   {"cols": 2, "rows": 2,
    "widgets": [
     {"type": "label", "text": "Username:", "halign": "right"},
     {"type": "label", "text": "Password:", "halign": "right"},
       "type": "tbox",
       "text": "admin",
       "len": 15,
       "uid": "uname",
       "on_event": "login_callback"
       "type": "tbox",
       "len": 15,
       "ttype": "hidden",
       "uid": "pass",
       "on_event": "login_callback"
   {"type": "button", "label": "Ok", "on_event": "login_callback"}
Login example 2