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Matrix is a set of helper functions on the top of linear vector to implement a resizeable 2D C array.

The number of columns and rows is not stored in the matrix and is expected to be maintaned by the user, hence most of the functions take as an argument the total number of rows and some total number of columns as well.

Matrix allocation
void *gp_matrix_new(size_t cols, size_t rows, size_t unit);

Allocates a new matrix to fit cols * rows elements of size unit.

Initial cols or rows can be 0 as matrix can be resized later.

Returns NULL on allocation failure.

Matrix free
void gp_matrix_free(void *self);

Frees the matrix. Passing NULL as self is no-op.

Matrix index
size_t gp_matrix_idx(size_t rows, size_t col, size_t row)

/* Example usage */
int *matrix = gp_matrix_new(10, 10, sizeof(int));


matrix[gp_matrix_idx(10, 5, 5)] = 42;

Computes a matrix index based the total number of matrix rows.

Matrix cols and rows insertion
void *gp_matrix_cols_ins(void *self, size_t rows, size_t col, size_t length)
void *gp_matrix_rows_ins(void *self, size_t cols, size_t rows, size_t row, size_t length)

Inserts length columns/rows at given offset col or row.

The newly inserted columns/rows are set to 0.

May return NULL if underlying allocation has failed.

Returns NULL if col or row offset is out of the matrix.

Warning Returns a new pointer to the matrix!
Matrix cols and rows deletion
void *gp_matrix_cols_del(void *self, size_t rows, size_t col, size_t length)
void *gp_matrix_rows_del(void *self, size_t cols, size_t rows, size_t row, size_t length)

Deletes lenght columns/rows at a given offset col or row.

Returns NULL if col or row offset is out of the matrix.

Warning Returns a new pointer to the matrix!