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Timers are implemented as a priority queue in a heap. Timers are used in backends or widgets where you can simply add timer which gets processed automatically in the program main loop.

#include <gfxprim.h>
/* or */
#include <utils/gp_timer.h>


typedef struct gp_timer {
        /* Heap pointers and number of sons */
        gp_heap_head heap;

        /* Expiration time */
        uint64_t expires;

        /* Timer id, showed in debug messages */
        const char *id;

         * Timer Callback
         * If non-zero is returned, the timer is rescheduled to expire
         * return value from now.
        uint32_t (*callback)(struct gp_timer *self);
        void *priv;
} gp_timer;

#define GP_TIMER_DECLARE(name, expires, id, callback, priv) \

Timers are implemented as a simple structure with a callback, expiration, id string and internal heap pointers. The priority queue is described simply by the pointer to the top timer i.e. soonest to expire.

The priv pointer is used to pass a user pointer to the callback function.

The number of timers in the queue is the number of sons of the top timer plus one.

The GP_TIMER_DECLARE() creates and initializes timer on the program stack. The name is the name of the declared timer structure and the rest of the variables corresponds to the structure members.

#include <gfxprim.h>
/* or */
#include <utils/gp_timer.h>

int gp_timer_running(gp_timer *timer);

Returns non-zero if a timer is running, i.e. if it’s inserted into a queue.

#include <gfxprim.h>
/* or */
#include <utils/gp_timer.h>

void gp_timer_queue_dump(gp_timer *queue);

Prints the structure of binary heap into stdout, only for debugging.

#include <gfxprim.h>
/* or */
#include <utils/gp_timer.h>

void gp_timer_queue_ins(gp_timer **queue, uint64_t now, gp_timer *timer);

Inserts timer into the timer priority queue. The timer is scheduled to expire at now + timer->expire.

#include <gfxprim.h>
/* or */
#include <utils/gp_timer.h>

void gp_timer_queue_rem(gp_timer **queue, gp_timer *timer);

Removes timer from the queue.

If timer is not found in the queue nothing is done but warning is printed.

Runs in O(n) time (the insert and process runs in O(nlog(n))).

It’s safe to remove a timer form the timer callback.

#include <gfxprim.h>
/* or */
#include <utils/gp_timer.h>

int gp_timer_queue_process(gp_timer **queue, uint64_t now);

Processes all expired timers (all timers with timer->expires <= now are processed).

Recurrent timers and timers that returned non-zero from callback are reinserted into the queue with new expiration time.

Returns number of timers processed.

#include <gfxprim.h>
/* or */
#include <utils/gp_timer.h>

unsigned int gp_timer_queue_size(gp_timer *queue);

Returns number of timers in the queue.

Time Stamp

Timestamp provides fast monotonously increasing timestamps in milliseconds.

#include <gfxprim.h>
/* or */
#include <input/gp_time_stamp.h>

uint64_t gp_time_stamp(void);

Returns timestamp (i.e. time elapsed since some point) in milliseconds.