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General Backend API

The backend API consist of a structure with callbacks. Every backend initialization yields this structure. Although is possible to call these pointers directly it’s not recommended and everybody should rather use backend (inline) functions instead as they provide more convenient API and do additional sanity checks on parameters. Also functionality such as timers will not work if you decide to call raw callbacks.

typdef struct gp_backend {
         * Backend name.
        const char *name;

         * Pointer to pixmap APP should draw to.
        gp_pixmap *pixmap;


         * Connection fd. Set to -1 if not available
        int fd;

The file descriptor fd is either set to -1 (in case of SDL or AA-lib as they does not export it) or to a backend connection file descriptor usable for select() or poll().

#include <backends/gp_backend.h>
/* or */
#include <gfxprim.h>

void gp_backend_exit(gp_backend *self);

Calls a backend exit callback. Restores the display, keyboard, etc. state back.

Warning It’s important to call this functions on application exit. If you doesn’t do so, the state of the display, resolution etc. may not be restored back to its original state. This includes program crashes and interruptions. Also this function may not be signal-async-safe, it’s better to set signal handlers that calls it on SEGFAULT and SIGBUS as this usually works and not doing so may leave non-working system with black display or non-responding keyboard.
#include <backends/gp_backend.h>
/* or */
#include <gfxprim.h>

gp_backend_flip(gp_backend *self);

Flips a screen. Blits backend buffer to the screen or window if the backend is buffered.

WARN: The backend→pixmap pointer may change after backend is flipped.

#include <backends/gp_backend.h>
/* or */
#include <gfxprim.h>

void gp_backend_update_rect(gp_backend *self,
                            gp_coord x0, gp_coord y0,
                            gp_coord x1, gp_coord y1);

Updates particular rectangle in case backend is buffered.


#include <backends/gp_backend.h>
/* or */
#include <gfxprim.h>

void gp_backend_poll(gp_backend *self);

Polls for backend events.

The poll only reads events from event source (i.e. X11 socket, Linux evdev file descriptor), process them and may place new event into the backend event queue.

This call returns immediately after queued events (from X11 socket, etc.) were processed.

For backends that do not expose file descriptor (namely SDL) this should be called repeatedly. For other backends it may be called either repeatedly or when data are ready on file-descriptor.

If the backend is the only source of events in your application, you should consider using the gp_backend_wait() or gp_backend_wait_event() described below.

#include <backends/gp_backend.h>
/* or */
#include <gfxprim.h>

gp_event *gp_backend_poll_event(gp_backend *self);

Combines the gp_backend_poll() with gp_backend_get_event().

If there are any events in the backend event queue, the top event is returned, if none are queued NULL is returned.

Example gp_backend_poll_event() usage.
        /* Called either repeatedly or when data are ready on backend fd */

        gp_event *ev;

        while ((ev = gp_backend_poll_event(backend))) {

                /* process events */

#include <backends/gp_backend.h>
/* or */
#include <gfxprim.h>

void gp_backend_wait(gp_backend *self);

Blocks until backend event arrives.

Note Events received by backend are not necessarily translated into the input events.
#include <backends/gp_backend.h>
/* or */
#include <gfxprim.h>

gp_event *gp_backend_wait_event(gp_backend *self);

Combines the gp_backend_wait() with gp_backend_get_event().

If there are any events in the backend event queue, the top event is returned and the call returns immediately.

If backend event queue is empty gp_backend_wait() is called, possibly repeatedly, until there is at least one event in the backend event queue.

Example gp_backend_wait_event() usage.
        /* This is the main program loop */
        gp_event *ev;

        for (;;) {
                ev = gp_backend_wait_event(backend);

                /* process events */

#include <backends/gp_backend.h>
/* or */
#include <gfxprim.h>

unsigned int gp_backend_events(gp_backend *self);

Returns number of events queued in the backend event queue.

#include <backends/gp_backend.h>
/* or */
#include <gfxprim.h>

gp_event *gp_backend_get_event(gp_backend *self);

In case there are any events queued a pointer to a top event in the queue is returned. The pointer is valid until next call to gp_backend_get_event().

The pointer is also invalidated by a call to gp_backend_put_event_back().

If there are no events queued the call returns NULL.

Tip For more information on events see input events documentation.
#include <backends/gp_backend.h>
/* or */
#include <gfxprim.h>

gp_event *gp_backend_peek_event(gp_backend *self);

Same as gp_backend_get_event() but the top event is not removed from the queue.

#include <backends/gp_backend.h>
/* or */
#include <gfxprim.h>

void gp_backend_put_event_back(gp_backend *self, gp_event *ev);

Puts event to the top of the queue. May be useful for putting back events that were removed from the queue.

#include <backends/gp_backend.h>
/* or */
#include <gfxprim.h>

int gp_backend_key_pressed(gp_backend *self, uint32_t key);

The backend event queue also maintains a keyboard state, i.e. which keys are pressed. The state is valid for the last even returned by the gp_backend_get_event().

Returns non-zero if key is being currently hold down.

#include <backends/gp_backend.h>
/* or */
#include <gfxprim.h>

int gp_backend_set_caption(gp_backend *self, const char *caption)

Sets backend caption. On success zero is returned. On failure (backend doesn’t support caption, operation failed) non zero is returned.

#include <backends/gp_backend.h>
/* or */
#include <gfxprim.h>

int gp_backend_resize(gp_backend *self, uint32_t w, uint32_t h);

Requests backend resize. If backend resize is supported and the resize request was successful (i.e. X server allowed us to resize the window) the resize event will be send and should be handled in your event loop. You must respond to it by the gp_backend_resize_ack() described below.

Note The backend pixmap pointer or buffer pointer will only change after you acknowledge the resize with gp_backend_resize_ack().
#include <backends/gp_backend.h>
/* or */
#include <gfxprim.h>

int gp_backend_resize_ack(gp_backend *self);

If backend is resizable by user interaction (for example X Window) you will get resize event for each change of the window size, however the backend pixmap will not be resized until you call this function. This is useful in multi-threaded application where one threads waits for events and others draws into the buffer so you can stop the drawing threads before the backend pixmap buffer changes.


Timers are, as the name suggets, a way to run a function callback at a specified time in the future.

Tip For example usage see backend timers example.
#include <backends/gp_backend.h>
/* or */
#include <gfxprim.h>

void gp_backend_add_timer(gp_backend *self, gp_timer *timer);

Adds a timer to the backend timer queue.

Timers added to the backend are processed automatically while you call any of backend Poll or Wait functions.

If timer callback is set to NULL a timer event is pushed to the backend input queue once timer has expired otherwise timer callback is called.

#include <backends/gp_backend.h>
/* or */
#include <gfxprim.h>

void gp_backend_rem_timer(gp_backend *self, gp_timer *timer);

Removes a timer from the backend timer queue.

#include <backends/gp_backend.h>
/* or */
#include <gfxprim.h>

void gp_backend_timers_in_queue(gp_backend *self);

Returns number of timers scheduled in backend timer queue.


Tasks are rutines schedulled in the backend main loop. Tasks are executed in FIFO order and have priorities. When program enters the backend loop via one of the functions to poll or wait for event exactly one task from the highest non empty FIFO list is executed.

Important When backend is created there is no task queue, to be able to schedulle tasks user has to allocate and set the task queue first.
Tip For example usage see backend tasks example.
#include <backends/gp_backend.h>
/* or */
#include <gfxprim.h>

void gp_backend_task_queue_set(gp_backend *self, gp_task_queue *task_queue);

Sets the backend task queue.

#include <backends/gp_backend.h>
/* or */
#include <gfxprim.h>

void gp_backend_task_ins(gp_backend *self, gp_task *task);

Schedulles a task.

#include <backends/gp_backend.h>
/* or */
#include <gfxprim.h>

void gp_backend_task_rem(gp_backend *self, gp_task *task);

If schedulled removes a task.