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Pixel Description

This pages describes library core functions for handling pixel types.

Pixel Type

#include <gfxprim.h>
/* or */
#include <core/gp_pixel.gen.h>

typedef enum gp_pixel_type {
        /* optional RGB pixel types (can be disabled in config) */
        /* optional grayscale pixel types (can be disabled in config) */
} gp_pixel_type;

 * The same values are also defined as macros so it's possible to
 * use them with ifdef as:
 * #ifdef GP_PIXEL_RGB555
 * ...
 * #endif /* GP_PIXEL_RGB555 */
#define GP_PIXEL_xRGB8888 GP_PIXEL_xRGB8888

Pixels are described by a pixel type, which is an enumeration type.

The enum is defined in the gp_pixel.gen.h header generated from a configuration file.

The header and must contain at least the members listed above.

#include <gfxprim.h>
/* or */
#include <core/gp_pixel.h>

typedef struct {
        char name[8];    /* Channel name */
        uint8_t offset;  /* Offset in bits */
        uint8_t size;    /* Bit-size */
} gp_pixel_channel;

typedef enum gp_pixel_flags {
        GP_PIXEL_HAS_ALPHA = 0x01,
        GP_PIXEL_IS_RGB = 0x02,
        GP_PIXEL_IS_PALETTE = 0x04,
        GP_PIXEL_IS_CMYK = 0x08,
        GP_PIXEL_IS_GRAYSCALE = 0x10,
} gp_pixel_flags;

typedef struct {
        gp_pixel_type type;        /* Number of the type */
        const char name[16];      /* Name */
        uint8_t size;             /* Size in bits */
        uint8_t numchannels;      /* Number of channels */
        gp_pixel_flags flags;
        /* String describing the bit-representaton (as in "RRRRRGGGGGGBBBBB")*/
        const char bitmap[GP_PIXEL_BITS + 1];
        /* Individual channels */
        const gp_pixel_channel channels[GP_PIXELTYPE_MAX_CHANNELS];
} gp_pixel_type_desc;

extern const gp_pixel_type_desc const gp_pixel_types[];

const gp_pixel_type_desc *gp_pixel_desc(gp_pixel_type type);

const char *gp_pixel_typeName(gp_pixel_type type);

uint32_t gp_pixel_size(gp_pixel_type type);

unsigned int gp_pixel_channel_count(gp_pixel_type type);

uint8_t gp_pixel_channel_bits(gp_pixel_type type, uint8_t channel);

const char *gp_pixel_channel_name(gp_pixel_type type, uint8_t channel);

int gp_pixel_has_flags(gp_pixel_type pixel_type, gp_pixel_flags flags);

Each pixel type has accompanying record in global array describing pixel types.

You should not use this array directly, use the gp_pixel_desc() function to query the pixel type description or one of the gp_pixel_*() functions below.

The gp_pixel_type_name() function returns static string with pixel type name.

The gp_pixel_size() returns pixel size in bits.

The gp_pixel_channel_count() returns number of pixel channels.

The gp_pixel_channel_bits() returns number of bits for respective channel.

The gp_pixel_channel_name() returns channel name.

The gp_pixel_has_flags() function returns true if particular pixel type contains the bitmask of pixel flags.

#include <gfxprim.h>
/* or */
#include <core/gp_pixel.h>

void gp_pixel_print(gp_pixel pixel, gp_pixel_type type);

void gp_pixel_snprint(char *buf, size_t len, gp_pixel pixel, gp_pixel_type type);

Pretty print pixel value given the pixel type.

Sample output from the functions
RGB888 0xffffff R=255 G=255 B=255
#include <gfxprim.h>
/* or */
#include <core/gp_pixel.h>

gp_pixel_type gp_pixel_rgb_match(gp_pixel rmask, gp_pixel gmask,
                                 gp_pixel bmask, gp_pixel amask,
                                 uint8_t bits_per_pixel);

gp_pixel_type gp_pixel_rgb_lookup(uint32_t rsize, uint32_t roff,
                                  uint32_t gsize, uint32_t goff,
                                  uint32_t bsize, uint32_t boff,
                                  uint32_t asize, uint32_t aoff,
                                  uint8_t bits_per_pixel);

Returns pixel type given either RGB masks or RGB sizes and offsets. If no matching pixel was found GP_PIXEL_UNKNOWN is returned.